Mobile App
Sign in on-site or remotely with the VisitUs smartphone mobile app. Access useful features such health questionnaires and photo capture to ensure a safe environment for all visitors. Pre-register guests in advance, allowing them to quickly check-in when they arrive and manage evacuations.
Sign in and out
It’s vital that the sign-in process is easy and accessible for staff. The VisitUs mobile app allows staff to sign in or out in the touch of a button. Information is pre-populated so they just need to answer any questions marked for required for each sign in.

Manage evacuations
Employees registered in the VisitUs system as marshal have the ability to trigger an evacuation direct from the mobile app. This sends an SMS and push notification to all marshals with a link to an online evacuation checklist. Visitors are also sent an SMS to ask if they are okay and in need of assistance.
Manage your visitors
Each employee can manage their visitors from the mobile app. Simply click on the visitors name to access their details like contact information or even sign them out at the end of their visit.

Pre-register visitors
Staff can pre-register a visitor by using the simple pre-registration form embedded in the mobile app. The visitor then receives an email with a unique link to complete the pre-registration process prior to their arrival.