Free visitor management system

Upgrade your paper visitor log book by installing the VisitUs free visitor management system in your reception today!

Create your free account

No payments information required - Easy set-up.

What's included in the free visitor management system?

VisitUs is Australia’s best visitor management system. Our free basic account includes a simplified sign in platform that can be accessed via an iPad, Android tablet or QR code.


It’s time to replace your paper log books and update your front desk with a modern visitor management system.


Visitor data is stored in your own unique visitor database which makes it easy to track visitors and extract visitor logs.


It can even send a host notification to a list of email and SMS contacts once the visitor signs in.


Ensure a warm welcome by making your visitor registration process simple and fast. It’s all part of enhancing the visitor experience.

Manage visitors easily

Record visitor information and save time by deploying VisitUs in your workplace. Get a live view of who is onsite anytime.

Reporting dashboard

Create reports via the web dashboard and extract to a CSV file.

Company branding

Upload your company logo and change the appearance to match your corporate branding.

Simple check in process

Complete visitor check-ins in less than a minute to avoid a busy reception area.

Instant notifications

VisitUs can send an SMS and Email to a list of contacts when a visitors arrives.

iPad - Android and QR code

VisitUs is compatible with a range of devices or you can use a QR code as a low cost alternative.

Unique branding

Tailor your free visitor management system with your own unique branding. Upload your logo and change the look and feel of the system in a couple of clicks.

Create a lasting impression on visitors as they sign in to fast and easy to use system.

Multilingual sign-in

VisitUs currently supports 18 different languages from around the world so that overseas visitors can sign-in using their native language.


Once a visitor has completed the sign-in process the system automatically reverts back to the default language that can be set in the dashboard.

Custom sign-in and sign-out messages

Once the visitor sign in process has been completed, display a custom welcome message to let them know that someone will be there shortly, or give directions on how to enter the site.

During the sign-out process the terminal can also display a custom message to thank the visitor.

Upgrade your visitor management system to access more features

If you decide to further enhance your basic VisitUs account, you can try any one of our three tiers free for a week.

Pre-register Visitors

Employee Sign-in

Web Dashboard

Sign Documents

Print Badges

Multiple Locations



Visitor Photos

Mobile App


Custom Entry Fields

Claim your free account

No payment details required - Easy set-up

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