Induction questionnaires

Create a multiple choice induction questionnaire with pass and fail scores and trigger alerts if the induction is failed.

Unique questions per sign-in type

Each sign-in type can be configured to ask a different set of questions with a pass or fail threshold. Your business may need to ask contractors important safety questions to ensure they have the right to work on site.

Keep your employees safe

Induction questionnaires are perfect for health screening. It’s always a good idea to check that an individual is feeling okay and is not displaying symptoms of illness. If you want to ask the same questions to all people entering the site, then VisitUs offers the ability to copy questionnaires to other sign-in types instantly.

Trigger alerts for failed inductions

If a visitor, contractor or employee doesn’t meet your entry requirements then VisitUs can send an alert to your administrators or security team. The notification includes the responses to the questionnaire so that they can act accordingly.

Set an expiry date

Ask returning visitors or contractors to retake the induction questionnaire only when their previous responses have expired. This is a great way to save time and ensure compliance as the system will only prompt the user to answer questions when they need to.

Pre-register Visitors

Employee Sign-in

Web Dashboard

Sign Documents

Print Badges

Multiple Locations



Visitor Photos

Mobile App


Custom Entry Fields


Instant notifications


Advanced Reporting

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